
XVI International Clay Conference (ICC)
17 to 21 of July 2017 - Granada, Spain

The XVI International Clay Conference (ICC), which takes place every four years, will be held in Granada, Spain, from 17 to 21 of July 2017. Information is available at
The Conference Venue is the Science Park (Parque de las Ciencias), located a few minutes on foot from the historic city centre of Granada. The Conference is planned to cover five days (four sessions days, an one excursion-day). Emphasis will be on a maximum of parallel sessions to cover the accepted proposals, which are:
I. Mineralogy
II. Geology and geochemistry
III. Environment and soils
IV. Interaction between clays and organic molecules and organisms
V. Ceramics, zeolites
VI. Nanomaterials and clay technology
VII. Miscelaneous

3 one-day excursions are being arranged:
Bentonite deposits at Cabo de Gata (Almeria). Dr. F. Javier Huertas (Andalusian Institute of Earth Sciences, CSIC-UGR).
Guadix-Baza Basin. Dr. César Viseras Alarcón (Stratigraphy and Paleontology Dept, University of Granada).
Alpujarra. Dr. Juan Ignacio Soto Hermoso (Andalusian Institute of Earth Sciences, CSIC-UGR).

AIPEA School for Young Scientist
Under the supervision of Dr. Claro Ignacio Sainz Díaz (Andalusian Institute of Earth Sciences, CSIC-UGR), the AIPEA School for Young Scientist (ASYS) will be held on 15th and 16th July 2017, with this subject: "Computational modelling in clay mineralogy".
Abstract Submission
The online abstract submission opens on 1 November 2016 and closes on 15 February 2017.
Hoping to see you in Granada !
Alberto López Galindo
Chair of 16th ICC

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2025 Instituto de Química
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.